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Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that children attend regularly and punctually, and that holidays in term time are avoided.
If your child is unwell, please contact the school office by 9.30am at the latest on 01252 724562.
If your child is not due to be in school due to a medical appointment, please send an image, screenshot or photograph evidencing the appointment to your child’s class team.
Attendance is monitored daily, where the school has not received a reason for absence, this will be followed up by a member of the class team alongside the Safeguarding Team.
Children who attend school regularly benefit from school routines and strategies, which in turn, supports them in making positive progress.
The success of our young people at The Ridgeway depends on us all working together to support their education, and one of the ways that we can do this, is to promote access to and attendance at school.
Parents, carers and teachers share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all. It is our duty to consistently strive to achieve a goal of 100% attendance for all children.
We do however understand that some of our children with complex medical needs may have more illness than their peers and, as such, will not be able to achieve 100% attendance. Where this is the case, school will work in partnership with families to maximise learning opportunities and prioritise progress against appropriate individual outcomes.
We aim to support as many children as possible to strive towards 100% attendance.
We monitor attendance on a daily, weekly and half-termly basis.
If your child is not in school for more than two days in a period of two weeks, you will be contacted and invited to an attendance meeting to see how we can work together with parents / carers to improve their attendance.
Attendance below 90% is monitored by the school Attendance Team and parents may be invited to attend an attendance meeting. In more serious cases, the Surrey Attendance Service may be notified to issue a Penalty Notice fine or commence court proceedings.
If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s class teacher to discuss further. For further information, please refer to our full Pupil Attendance Policy in the Policies section on this website - Key Information - The Ridgeway School