Implementation; Co-Learning
So that our children develop a strong sense of belonging, and in turn, develop the self-esteem and confidence to interact with the word around them, our children are empowered to play an active role in their own learning journey.
To enable this, we draw from models designed to support relational practice and in particular, “the power of working with” our children. Our practice is built upon the principle that the most effective learning takes place when the level of support is appropriate for the level of challenge. This draws staff alongside our children, and “co-learn” with them. In this way, we fulfil our vision and aims by maximising learning and avoiding doing things “to” or “for” our children.
When we “co-learn” with our children, we involve, guide and support them against their own individual learning outcomes for session. Through interaction with each child, “co-learning” is a scaffold for staff to narrate learning and support children to understand their priorities and next steps.
Co-Learning Spotlight 1 -> PDF Document
Co-Learning Spotlight 2 -> PDF Document