Impact; Pupil Outcomes
What is the impact of our curriculum?
Through gathering of data and information around each child, we measure how the curriculum improves outcomes for individuals against the four pillars which echo and emphasise the outcomes set out within each individual’s EHCP. We use these measurements to continuously evaluate and improve practice, responding to the needs of our learners to address barriers to learning.
Successful impact will be seen in children being able to; advocate for themselves, be as independent as possible within their community, access supported leisure, living and employment options and positively contribute to their community.
This is ultimately measured by improved life outcomes beyond The Ridgeway and in supporting individuals to access the world around them and communicate to the best of their abilities.
For more detail on how we use the information available to us to enhance teaching and learning for each individual, please see our Data Analysis Page.
Pupil Assessment Analysis -> link to this page on this website.