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Family Support Links
Please note these are web-links to third party website which the school is not responsible for. All links were working OK when posted here but the owners may occasional change them and break these connections.
Family Support
Family Information Directory to find services, support groups, activities, events and more.
Targeted Youth Support - This is a new service replacing Surrey Family Services and will provide support for young people (12 plus) and their families. Family Lives - Family Lives is a charity whose aim is to help support parents and carers to deal with all aspects of family life. It provides this through a 24-hour helpline, extensive advice on its website, live chat services, befriending services, and parenting/relationship support groups.Guildford Action for Families - The GAF (Guildford Action for Families) service supports isolated families with issues including debt, housing, mental health challenges, isolation, relationship breakdown, domestic abuse, parenting skills, employment and substance misuse.
GOV.UK - Domestic Abuse: specialist sources of support -> link to website
Mental Health & Wellbeing
National Autistic Society - information and support with autism
Mind Matters - NHS talking therapies available in Surrey
Local Minds - Local Minds provide mental health services in local communities across England and WalesKooth Online Counselling - A free and confidential online counselling service for young people. YoungMinds is committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
Samaritans - offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever's getting to you. It doesn't matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened. Tel: 116 123 (free to call) Qwell - Adults flexible therapeutic support free at the point of access. It is an online counselling and emotional wellbeing service providing adults with early intervention support.
CYP Havens - 07773 008435
Safe spaces for young people to drop into to talk about worries and mental health confidentially. Although the centres are closed, there is a virtual phone service operating.
SABP Youth Counselling Service - 0345 600 2516 or 07827 992764
Online and telephone Counselling for 12-24 year olds with mild to moderate issues, living, working or studying within west Surrey and north east Hampshire.
CALM - 0800 585858
A service for anyone who for whatever reason wants someone to talk to or to find information and support
Anxiety UK - 03444 775774, Text service: 07537 416905
A service that supports people suffering from anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression