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Home School Agreement
We believe that pupils perform better when both home and school work together in partnership and this agreement sets out our aims and expectations of us working together.
You will be asked to sign the Home School Agreement periodically during your child’s time at this school.
The Ridgeway School will:
- Provide a caring, safe and well supervised environment.
- Provide where possible an appropriate peer group for the child.
- Provide a balanced, interesting and appropriate curriculum, meeting individual needs and supporting the pupils to achieve their full potential.
- Inform parents/carers of their child’s timetable and the curriculum aims covered each term.
- Keep parents informed about their child’s progress and any problems, through daily home/school contact books/email, letters, Annual Reviews and Individual Education Plan (IEP) and parents’ evenings.
- Keep you informed on general school matters and to give sufficient notice of any day closures.
- Be welcoming and open, offering the opportunity for you to be involved in the school.
- Be available to provide support and advice in terms of accessing services and liaising with other professionals.
- Where appropriate provide a range of ideas and activities for you to support your child at home e.g. homework / therapy.
- Work collaboratively with therapists to ensure programmes are integrated in the classroom and at home.
- Help your child to achieve a high standard of behaviour and sense of responsibility and gain as much independence as possible.
- Maintain regular contact and exchange of information with respite and other agency placements.
- Set challenging personal targets for pupils to achieve.
- Ensure that school trips are properly supervised, adhering to guidelines set by the County.
All Parents and Carers agree to:
- Ensure that your child attends school appropriately dressed in recommended school uniform, named as necessary and in clothing that is required for all timetabled activities, providing spare clothes where necessary.
- Ensure where possible that your child maintains regular and punctual school attendance.
- Maintain contact by writing in the home / school contact books or through email.
- Ensure that your child is not sent to school when unwell and telephone school on each morning of your child’s illness.
- Make the school aware of any difficulties, concerns or problems that might affect your child’s work or behaviour through discussion with the class or headteacher.
- Ensure the school is aware of any respite care provision, for how long and that transport arrangements are finalised by yourself.
- Keep school informed of all changes to address, telephone number, emergency contacts, medication and information on any future hospital appointments.
- Support your child by attending Annual Reviews, parents’ evenings and school events.
- Support your child with home activities to extend their learning, when suggested by school.
- Support your child’s personal targets and behaviour programme.
- Agree to prompt payment of dinner money and voluntary pocket money.
- Agree to your child being supervised whilst out in the community by teaching and/or support staff of the school.
- Where appropriate ensure that your child is aware of this agreement and will play their part in keeping this agreement.
- Keeping themselves informed about On-line safety; monitor and safeguard their child’s Internet use, mobile phones, tablets, etc.
- Maintain an acceptable and respectful form of behaviour when meeting staff members in school, or communicating by telephone, email or letter.