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Food Technology
At the Ridgeway School, Food Technology is taught across all age phases, taking account of pupils’ level of understanding and their age, with every pupil in the school participating in a Food technology lesson each week.
As a subject food technology enables pupils to consolidate their learning from English, Maths and Science as they are required to use skills including counting, Using and applying, using symbols, reading, sequencing, noticing changes in materials, working together etc.
There is strong focus on the Thinking skills curriculum as pupils develop skills and independence to prepare them for adult life. There is a focus on healthy lifestyles and making healthy choices. This is reflected in links with Horticulture where pupils can collect seasonal produce to use in lessons.
At the earliest stages pupils experience food in through a sensory approach and are able to express likes and dislikes and make choices. As they progress through the school pupils learn skills that they can use to prepare food, safely for themselves, making drinks, cold snacks, hot snacks and simple meals. Pupils at the college provision regularly shop for and prepare their own meals and there is the opportunity for work experience in catering.
Food technology reflects the diverse cultures of the school and the world the pupils live in. Pupils experience and prepare food related to different cultures and festivals throughout the year and on school focus days and weeks. This includes Indian, Chinese, French, Italian and African.
Food technology is part of the Science Faculty and once a year there is a Science Curriculum Week with a specific focus and theme.
Food technology is not assessed as a subject in its own right but the progress pupils make is reflected in assessment using COMPAS in the Core subjects, Thinking skills and Engagement.
We realise the importance of engagement (attention and focus) and we acknowledge that deeper learning can only occur when pupils are fully engaged and have resources matched to their personal learning styles.