Teacher Training
If you would like to train to be a teacher there are a number of routes that you can choose at The Ridgeway School.
The course we offer is a School Direct PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) which means that the majority of the learning takes place in School. The awarding body for the PGCE is The University of Chichester. There are currently approximately five weeks of the year given over to Professional and subject studies at the University of Chichester, Bognor Regis Campus.
There are three assignments to complete throughout the year.
Trainees are placed in a Special School for term one. During this time, trainees are in class for three days, one day is for preparation of lessons, paperwork and observing in other classes, plus another day training, which is usually in Farnham, Surrey.
In the second term trainees are placed in a Mainstream Primary school in the opposite phase to the previous term. So if they were in a Key stage one class in the first term, in the second term they would be in a Key stage two class, and vice versa.
In the Summer term, trainees go back to their original Special School for the term.
Entry requirements:
- A degree at 2:1 or above (a lower class degree may be considered for exceptional candidates).
- GCSE’s at grade 4 or above in English, Maths and Science.
- A 45 minute test on Maths and English Competency will take place if you are offered an interview, so that we can guage if you will need support with these areas in your training.
Applications are currently through the following government website;
Weblink -> Apply for Teacher Training - www.gov.uk
Search for us, either by looking for our name which is 'Innovation Teacher Training' OR searching by Postcode, this is GU9 8HB
The current cost of the course is £9,250. This is paid to the University of Chichester. This fee can be funded through a Student loan, if you are eligible.
Upon successful completion of the course our trainees are qualified to teach in a mainstream primary school and a Special School with children of any age.
All of our successful candidates have secured positions as an Early Career Teacher (ECT), most by September of the following academic year.
For more information contact us via email - innovation@ridgeway.surrey.sch.uk